Samavesha presents
a Cave Concert Experience with
The Eternal Presence
Bay Area Didjeridu Orchestra
led by Alan Tower & Stephen Kent.
Artistic Director Laura Inserra
10th anniversary celebration of the original
Eternal Presence concert
that launched the Cave Concert Series in 2002.
Saturday, May 5 2012 9:30pm
Hawk Hill Tunnel - Marin Headlands, Sausalito
Hawk Hill Tunnel is located in the Golden Gate National Recreation Area (GGNRA)
Feel a forest of sound within you, on a journey in ancient time, inside a tunnel that is transformed, for one night only, into an enchanted cave.
Click HERE to buy tickets!
Advance tickets only. No tickets will be sold at the event.
Past Cave Concerts have always sold out, so please buy the tickets in advance and don't miss this exciting opportunity.
Please consider to Carpool!
Parking is limited, please use SpaceShare to share or find a ride to the concert.
It's green, free and fun!
The Bay Area Didjeridu Orchestra:
Spencer Nielson
Vladamir Cardema
Wolfgang Ettenreich
Kimba Theurich
Natalie Winkler
Dominic Santiago
Steve Necodom
Travis Wernet
Frankie Jungle

Special guest musician Barry Hall, who co-produced the original Cave Concert with Alan Tower in 2002. He is an accomplished clay instrument maker, musician and author of "From Mud to Music".
The didjeridu originated with the Australian Aboriginal peoples some 35,000 years ago as the sound of their dreamtime, supporting their community and artistic life to the present day. We honor the gift of this beauty to the world.
The original concert, and internationally acclaimed CD that launched the Cave series in 2002, was a sonic journey with four didjeridu players from four continents. To commemorate and expand on this history Samavesha is pleased to present a remarkable group of 12 didgeridoo players exploring the unique resonance of this venue with new ‘sky and star’ lighting amidst the smell of juniper. Kent and Tower orchestrate and arrange this ensemble for a new harmony yet unheard.

Special guests Alicia Dattner & Jonathan Bender will perform, before the concert, outside the tunnel, their show called ‘Have Your Wish Granted in 60 Seconds’.